Principal's Message

As the principal of Meyna School, I welcome you all to the official Website of Meyna School. The main objective of this website is to provide the information about school and its history. You can always follow our Facebook, Twitter and other social networks for the most updated on going activities in the school. We have our own Moodle, “Meyna School Kiyavama / Meyna Tutor”, for the students, teachers and parents to enhance the academic purposes.

In the long history of Meyna School, academic and discipline have been the most important focus of us. We try our level best to meet the national educational objectives. Moreover, it is one of our main targets to make each student a global citizen who has acquired knowledge and skills to meet the demands of the world.

Behind the success of Meyna School is the strong team who loves and respect each other. Each member of our team respects the long maintained principles of the school. Our secret to success is the team work which is based on the objective of providing nothing but the best for our students and school.

The parents of Meyna School have always been exemplary. Without the generous help and cooperation from the parents, our school would not have achieved what it has achieved today.

I can proudly mention that for the last few years, the school team is able to achieve significant successes and milestones, both academic and non-academic, in national and International levels. I take this opportunity to thank those who had and have been a part of this historical school. I request you all to keep working with us to develop our school.

Thank you!

Principal, Ibrahim Shaheem